
Changes the value of a knob using a raw value.


Err TweakRawKnob (Item KnobItem, int32 Value)


This function sets the value of a Knob that is attached to an Instrument. This function bypasses any knob-specific (e.g. frequency-to-raw-value) conversion that is done in TweakKnob(), and instead provides the value directly used by the instrument. This saves a simple operation in execution, which is useful if a task uses a stream of tweaking commands.

The current raw value of the Knob can be read by GetAudioItemInfo() using the AF_TAG_CURRENT_VALUE tag.

If this knob is connected to the output of another instrument via ConnectInstruments(), the tweaked value is ignored until that connection is broken.


Item number of the knob to be tweaked.
The new raw value for that knob.

Return Value

The function returns 0 if successful or an error code (a negative value) if an error occurs.


SWI implemented in Audio folio V20.

Associated Files


See Also

TweakKnob(), GrabKnob(), Knob