
Specifies the instrument to use when a MIDI program change occurs.


Err SetPIMapEntry( ScoreContext *scon, int32 ProgramNum,Item InsTemplate, int32 MaxVoices, int32 Priority )


This function specifies the instrument type to use when a MIDI program change occurs.

This function directly sets a PIMap entry, assigning an instrument template, a maximum voice value, and an instrument priority to a MIDI program number. When a MIDI program change occurs, a new instrument specified by the instrument template is used for notes played after the program change.

The variable "ProgramNum" ranges from 0 to 127 (unlike some synthesizers, which range program numbers from 1 to 128). It must not exceed the number of programs allocated in CreateScoreContext().

Note that it's easier to create a full PIMap using LoadPIMap().


A pointer to the ScoreContext data structure whose PIMap is to be changed.
Value indicating a program number, ranging from 0127; not to exceed the maximum number allocated in CreateScoreContext().
The item number of an instrument template.
The maximum number of voices that can play simultaneously for this program.
An instrument priority value from 0 to 200.

Return Value

This function returns 0 if all went well; or an error code (less then 0) indicating that an error occurred.


Library call implemented in music.lib V20.

Associated Files

score.h, music.lib

See Also

LoadPIMap(), UnloadPIMap()