
Clears a screen or bitmap.


Err ClearBitmap (Item ioreq, Item scr_bm, Bitmap *bmPtr, int32 rgbValue)


Sets all pixels in the screen or bitmap to the specified rgbValue. Uses SetVRAMPages() for fast operation.

The rgbValue is a pair of RGB555 values packed into a 32-bit word. If you don't want simple black (zero), use the MakeRGB15Pair() macro to create this value from separate red, green, and blue values.

For best performance, pass a non-zero IOreq parameter and a bitmap pointer instead of a screen or bitmap item. This will avoid LookupItem() and CreateIOReq() calls that would otherwise be made internally.


IOReq item obtained from GetVRAMIOReq(), or zero to have an IOReq created and deleted internally during the call.
Screen or Bitmap item number. May be zero if a Bitmap pointer is provided.
Bitmap pointer. May be NULL if a Screen or Bitmap item is provided.
Color value to store into all screen or bitmap pixels.

Return Value

Returns zero on success or a negative error code.


Library call implemented in lib3do.lib.

Associated Files

lib3do.lib, displayutils.h