A simple C program

About this recipe

This recipe gives you a simple exercise in using the ARM Software Development Toolkit (the toolkit) to write a program in C. By following it, you will learn how to:


Before you can try this recipe, the toolkit must be properly installed on your computer. Instructions for installation are given in the installation notes distributed with every toolkit. If you experience any difficulties, please refer to these notes.

Making a simple runnable program

The "Hello World" program shown below, is included in the on-line examples as file hellow.c in the directory examples:

#include <stdio.h>

int main( int argc, char **argv )
    printf("Hello World\n");
      return 0;

If you set your working directory to be the examples directory you can compile this program to runnable form in a single step using:

armcc hellow.c -li -apcs 3/32bit


The argument -li says that the target is little endian and -apcs 3/32bit says that the 32 bit ARM procedure call standard should be used. If the compiler has been configured to use these options by default then these arguments need not be given. The executable program is left in a file called hellow.

Running the program

You can run the program (technically an AIF Image) using armsd. You should follow the sample dialog below:

host-prompt> armsd -li hellow
A.R.M. Source-level Debugger, version 4.10 (A.R.M.) [Aug 26 1992]
ARMulator V1.20, 512 Kb RAM, MMU present, Demon 1.01, FPE, Little 
Object program file hellow
armsd: go
Hello world
Program terminated normally at PC = 0x000082a0
      0x000082a0: 0xef000011 .... : >  swi     0x11
armsd: quit


The -li argument to armsd tells it to emulate a little endian arm. If armsd has been configured to be little endian by default then -li can be omitted .

When armsd comes up with its "armsd:" prompt and waits for your command, you should type "goCR". At the next prompt type "quitCR" to exit armsd.

Separate compiling

You can invoke the compiler and the linker separately. You can use:

armcc -c hellow.c -li -apcs 3/32bit

to make an object file (in this example called hellow.o, by default).


The -c flag tells the compiler to make an object file but not to link it with the C library.

Separate linking

When you have finished compiling, you can link your object file with the C library to make a runnable program using:

armlink -o hellow hellow.o somewhere/armlib.321

Where we have written somewhere, above, you must type the name of the directory containing the ARM C libraries.


You now have to be very explicit; you must specify:

In simple cases, armcc can reduce the need to be so explicit.

Related topics

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