Keyword options


Give a summary of the compiler's command line options.


Compile (BSD 4.2) portable C compiler C. This dialect is based on the original Kernighan and Ritchie (K&R) definition of C, and is the one used on Unix systems. The -pcc keyword alters the language accepted by the compiler, but the built-in ANSI headers are still used.

-fussy or -strict

Be extra strict about enforcing conformance to the ANSI standard or to pcc conventions (e.g. prohibit the volatile qualifier in -pcc mode).


Create a listing file. This consists of lines of source interleaved with error and warning messages. Finer control over the contents of this file may be obtained using the -f flag (seeControlling additional compiler features).

-littleend or -li

Compile code for an ARM operating with little-endian (least significant byte has lowest address) memory.

-bigend or -bi

Compile code for an ARM operating with big-endian (most significant byte has lowest address) memory.

By default, the ARM C compiler compiles code with the same byte order as the host system. However, most releases of the ARM C compiler, for most hosts, allow this default to be configured when the compiler is installed, so it is not usually necessary to use either of these options

-apcs [3]qualifiers

Specify which variant of the ARM Procedure Call Standard is to be used by the compiler. The default is set up when armcc is configured, and for ease of use can be reconfigured using the reconfig tool. Alternatively the default can be changed by use of this keyword option.

At least one qualifier must be present, and there must be no space between qualifiers. The following qualifiers are permitted:

Quantifier           |Description                       
/26[bit]             |26 bit APCS variant.              
/32[bit]             |32 bit APCS variant.              
/reent[rant]         |Reentrant APCS variant.           
/nonreent[rant]      |Non reentrant APCS variant.       
/swst[ackcheck]      |Software stack checking APCS      
/noswst[ackcheck]    |No software stack checking APCS   
/fpe2                |Floating point emulator 2         
/fpe3                |Floating point emulator 3         
/fpr[egargs]         |F.P. arguments passed in FP.      
/nofpr[egargs]       |F.P. arguments are not passed in  
                     |F.P. registers                    

For details of the various APCS variants see ARM Procedure Call Standard.