
Converts a Compact Video file to a 3DO Cinepak stream.


movietostream [options] <moviefiles...>


Converts a CompactVideo compressed QuickTime movie to 3DO Cinepak format.


-b <size>
Blocking factor for the stream. The blocking size must be a multiple of 2048 bytes. Default is 32,768 bytes.
-c <channel>
Channel number.
-d <outputDirectory>
Directs the output files to a directory.
-f <rate>
Playback rate in frames per second. 30 and 15 fps are often good numbers. Default is 30 fps.
Loops the streamed movie back to its first frame.
-m <rate>
Specifies the marker rate to output markers on key frame. Default is markers per 1 second interval.
-o <outputfilename>
Specifies the output filename. If no name is specified, the output filename will be the input filename with .FILM appended to the end. If output filename is specified and multiple input filenames are streamed, a number is appended to the output filename for each input file.
Toggles verbose diagnostic output.


MovieToStream currently strips the audio and outputs video chunks only. To make a DSL Cinepak movie with audio, run SFToStream on your audio and weave it with the output from MovieToStream.


A typical command line for MovieToStream is:

MovieToStream -l

The -l option adds a CTRL-GOTO chunk to the end of the output stream. MovieToStream takes the input file name and generates an output file name by tacking a .FILM onto the end if output filename is not specified. MovieToStream creates a video-only stream that can be used by the Data Streamer without weaving.